Jane Valerius' Environmental Services
Wetland Delineations
Vernal Pool Wetland.
- Jane Valerius Environmental Consulting has conducted delineations of waters of the U.S. and state, including wetlands, for numerous projects in the Bay Area and all over California from the desert to the mountains and the coast.
- Delineations are conducted in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rules and guidelines, including the most recent regional manuals and regulatory guidance, to determine federal jurisdiction. The state Regional Water Quality Control Board and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife also take jurisdiction over wetlands and waters. The state and federal jurisdictions generally overlap but can be different.
Sonoma Creek.
- Project experience includes a delineation of the Gila River in Arizona, delineations for transmission line, solar power, subdivision and private residences, and road improvement projects.
- Jane has conducted delineations ranging from vernal pool wetlands in the Bay Area, Sacramento and Central Valley to salt marsh wetlands along the coast and in baylands.